Sunday, May 14, 2006


Wow, how exciting to see that so many of you have stopped by my little blog!
Welcome, and make yourselves at home. :-)

I'm not sure what's up with the layout and the different size fonts in my last post. It didn't look like that when I posted it last night. But then again, it was way past my bedtime, so I may not have been all that sharp. I'm on a learning curve with this whole blog thing, so please bear with me.

I'm happy to report that I have made quite a bit of progress on the shawl, and on writing up the charts too! I think I may actually have experienced what I'd like to call 'knitter's flow', you know, that elusive feeling you get when everything is just going your way - no hiccups, no ripping, just pure knitting pleasure. Maybe it happened because it was Mother's Day (and the rest of the family let me knit to my heart's content without interruption). That may very well be it.

An exciting week lies ahead. I get to go to our nation's capital and yarn shopping is on the menu! I don't get to go to places like Menita very often, so this will be a treat.

Have a great week, everyone!

1 comment:

Lycka är ~ Onnea on said...

Garnet till Sophieväskan var i en stor rund 'kiekko'. Minns inte vad den hette, men meddelar så fort jag kommer på det. tack för kommentaren i min blog.
du har en så fin blog med;)