Sunday, July 23, 2006

Signs of life

Not enough hours in a day, that's my problem. And that is why I always end up writing my blog entries way past midnight. The still hours of the night can be a lovely quiet time, but there is nothing lovely about my looks, mood or social skills at 8 am (if I'm lucky) when my son wakes me up.

I had a discussion the other day with a very clear-sighted person about the world of blogs and internet and how blogging can become an all-consuming world of its own which eats up time that would otherwise be spent with family and friends. It is just so easy to go there, the world of knitblogs or whatever you're into is so easily available, and it's so nice! I
find myself switching on the computer just to check my email and while I'm at it I'll just quickly check my blogroll - 25 new feeds, I'll read 'em real quick, it won't take long - oh, there's a sale at the webshop ... Two hours later I kick myself for becoming so absorbed I've neglecting my child, forgot to make dinner and given myself sore shoulders.

. All things in moderation.
I'm no good at it, but I need to learn or my life will be in chaos. If nothing else then at least because I'm a role model for my child. Whatever he sees me doing he will grow up to do as well. And despite my own addiction I still believe kids are better off playing in sand pits than surfing the internet. (My son is two so we are still at the sand pit stage.) And I'm having a spell of bad conscience.

Well, enough seriousness. There are some fun things going on as well. Unfortunately no finished knitting objects. Progress has been made on the Heirloom Shawl and the Aqua Jacke but nothing much to show just yet. I am being quite good about sticking to old projects rather than starting new ones, although new yarn is stretching my determination to its very limits. Beads and wire to the rescue ...

And there is also the Salainen Neuleystävä 2006 (Finnish Secret Knitpal) which should be a lot of fun. I have deadlines at work all the time so I don't like knitting deadlines and haven't participated in any other exchanges, but I'm looking forward to this one.

Another project to follow up on the internet. Am I a hopeless case or what? ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful beading! And I can tell you you are not the only one struggling with exactly the same issues when it comes to internet.